Experience living languages through videos from users worldwide

Explore fresh daily content in English, Japanese, French, and 12 other languages on Hibee.

Unsure of a word in the video? Just tap for an instant dictionary

Absorb vocabulary at an astonishing speed. As your vocabulary grows, so does your language proficiency.

Reinforce the words you've just learned through quizzes

Smart review system triggered when memory fades

Mimic videos and get feedback from natives

The best way to learn a language is from people who speak it.

Too nervous and speechless during a video call with natives? Our AI gives you hints!

Transcribes and translates the conversation, providing response suggestions.

Rewarding Language Community

Join as a native language contributor and share your language and culture with learners worldwide! Earn Diamonds, climb the leaderboard, and gain fame.

The reviews from users


Can I use Hibee for free?

Yes, Hibee is always free to use for everyone.

What is a Captain?

Everyone in Hibee is the 'Captain'.
Except for learning the languages you are interested in, each of us could use native language to make contributions and profit from it.

What can the Captain do?

Captains can share moments of life with learners from all over the world via a 1-to-1chatting room in Hibee.
As well as recording dialogues in their native languages and rate&feedback from the learners who imitate the pronunciation and expressions.

How do people use Hibee to make money?

Every user has multiple ways to profit from Hibee.
In addition to receiving gifts from other learners and share the weekly diamond prize pool, you can also earn significant revenue through one-on-one calls online.